
ACT Study for BIF

2012–2013 / Business Design & Design Research

research planning and scoping 
report writing 
user experience mapping 
insight development 
ethnographic research 
leading online community research activities 
public speaking/ presenting to clients 
client workshop visual facilitation

I love to listen to users. There are tons of bits and pieces that listening to someone will yield. When our team at theBusiness Innovation Factory (BIF) started our work with ACT we set out to capture a comprehensive qualitative view of the frustrations, challenges, and victories that make up the transitional period when high school students are deciding what they want to do, who they want to be, and where they will go next—be it college or the workforce.

As the lead experience designer and researcher on this project I worked under the guidance and in collaboration with the rest of the BIF Student Experience Lab team to lead online surveying and in-person interviews, field ethnography, and formulating insights and opportunity spaces. The writing and presentation of the report and our findings was done by BIF's Chief Market Maker, Eli Stefanski, and myself. Video, photos, and graphic design were done by Samantha Kowalczyk.